Thursday, October 2, 2008

VBScript Adding Large Hex Strings

This function is an example of how to add two large hex strings together keeping them as string values:
Function HexAdd(ByVal strNum1, ByVal strNum2)
size1 = Len(strNum1)
size2 = Len(strNum2)
If (size1 <> size2) Then
If (size1 > size2) Then
strNum2 = String(size1 - size2, "0") + strNum2
size2 = size1
strNum1 = String(size2 - size1, "0") + strNum1
size1 = size2
End If
End If
' Begin adding
Dim i
Dim ret
Dim carry
Dim sum
ret = ""
i = CDbl(0)
carry = 0
For i = 1 To size1 '199999999999999999999998
a = "&H" & CStr(Mid(strNum1, size1 - i + 1, 1))
b = "&H" & CStr(Mid(strNum2, size1 - i + 1, 1))
sum = CInt(a) + CInt(b) + carry
ret = Hex(CStr(sum Mod 16)) & ret
carry = Fix(sum / 16)
If (carry > 0) Then
ret = CStr(Hex(carry)) & ret
End If
HexAdd = ret
End Function

Call it like this:

ret = HexAdd("FFFFF", "123456789ABCDEF")

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Handling Large Hex in VBScript

VBScript doesn't inherently support hex constants over 8 bits in length so I made a little function that attempts to handle large Hex strings and convert them to Decimals. It should be noted that Doubles lose precision in the E15 range of magnitude so beware using anything too large:
Function HexToDec(strHex)
Dim i
Dim size
Dim ret
size = Len(strHex) - 1
ret = CDbl(0)
For i = 0 To size
ret = ret + CDbl("&H" & Mid(strHex, size - i + 1, 1)) * (CDbl(16) ^ CDbl(i))
HexToDec = ret
End Function
Function DecToHex(dblNumber)
Dim Q
Dim ret

ret = ""
Q = CDbl(Fix(dblNumber))
While Q > 0
ret = Hex(Q - Fix(Q / 16) * 16) & ret
Q = Fix(Q / CDbl(16))
DecToHex = ret
End Function

Called like this:

ret = HexToDec("0C0BA715B2223D47A8CAC87BE5D9679")
ret = DecToHex(CDBL(16843216856846468461654862))

Big Progressive is Watching

I’ve thought about this kind of device on more than one occasion, but it seems like it would raise privacy concerns. The device hooks into your OBD2 and transmits data to Progressive about how much you drive, how fast you turn, start, or stop, and what time of day you are driving.

They assure the consumer that unless legally obligated they will keep the information about your driving style to themselves, but I'm guessing it won't be long before the culpable driver in accidents will be determined with a device such as these. Beware consumer - Big Progressive is watching!