Well, this error was the bane of my existence this evening. Anyway, when you get this error you'll find that workbench will not allow you to delete or remove the endpoints or category associated with the processes you were trying to remove. To clean out the rest of the data, you have to turn to the database and write some custom SQL to get the orphaned records out of tb_sc_endpoint where the name is the one you're trying to get rid of manually and tb_sc_service where id is the name of the one you're trying to delete.
To recap, if you get the ALC-DSC-110-000 error when trying to remove a process / orchestration and need to manually remove the remaining records delete from the tb_sc_endpoint and tb_sc_service tables where name or id is the process you were trying to delete when you got the error.
I hope that makes sense, feel free to post any questions you may have as comments.
5 years ago
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